Website for experienced demolition company

Skærbæk Nedbrydning was looking for a partner to manage the website.

lennartc webdesign - skærbæk degradation case

Skærbæk Nedbrydning is a demolition company with over 55 years of experience. Their field of activity is everything in demolition, and we cater to both public and private companies. Skærbæk Nedbrydning was looking for a responsible partner to take care of their website, so they could free up their time and not worry about it.

I solved the first tasks for Skærbæk Nedbrydning back in 2013 and have since had a collaboration. I have built the company's website several times and created a long-term and reliable digital presence which includes; Website, WordPress hosting and service/support.

The website was last redesigned in 2017.

Lennart Christensen - Web developer, Wordpress specialist, WP Programmer

Lennart Christensen

  • Webdeveloper / Designer
  • WordPress specialist